safe direction

What Does the Red Dot Mean?

All our lives we are taught that red means “STOP”. Red stop signs tell us to stop and look before entering the intersection. Traffic lights have red, yellow and green. Green means go. Yellow means caution, and slow down. Red means to stop. On a firearm, there is a red dot. What does the red […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Unload Firearm When not in Use

It does not matter whether you are at a shooting range or in your home if you are not using your firearm it should be unloaded. Unloading a firearm when it is not in use should be “common sense”. The last thing anyone wants to do accidentally discharge a firearm and hurt someone. Even if […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

What does “point in a safe direction” Mean?

Have you ever seen a movie where a person is holding a firearm and turns to talk to a group of people and they all ducked down low? The person has no intention of shooting anyone but they are still ducking, why? Unless a firearm has no ammunition and has a safety lock on it […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog