Firearm Storage and Safety

Firearm Storage and Safety

Firearm storage and safety should be top priorities for any firearm owner. Understanding how to keep a firearm stored properly and safely is the best way to avoid firearm accidents. It is also a good idea to make sure everyone in the house understands how to handle the firearm safely, even if they have no intentions of using the firearm.

Many states require a firearm owner to either purchase a safety device or have proof that they already own a safety device that meets the DOJ’s standards. Although safety devices can be very similar it is in eight firearm owner’s best interest to be sure that there firearm safety device meets the requirements of the state they reside.

The safest way to store a firearm is with both a locking mechanism, either a cable lock or a trigger lock and a lockbox or gun safe. The trigger lock has two pieces that fit onto the trigger guard and trigger which are designed to prevent access. Options for this type of lock include either combination or a key lock.

The cable lock has a strong steel cable that gets looped through the action of the firearm to prevent accidental firing and the actual firearms operation. Be aware that although both locks prevent the firearm from being able to fire these do not keep someone from gaining access to the actual firearm.

To actually lock up the firearm and keep others from having access to it a firearm owner will need to either purchase a large gun safe or a small lockbox. These lockboxes are made of strong, high-grade metal making them both difficult to break into and difficult to move. The purpose of a lockbox is to completely prevent anyone from handling the firearm. These devices will cost a bit more money, however they are also more secure.

It is recommended that along with placing a firearm in a lockbox of some kind that the ammunition be kept in a separate locked container. A firearm and the ammunition for that firearm should never be stored in the same place.

Each firearm owner has to make his or her own decision about which firearm storage and safety device is best for them and their household. A household with small children should consider one of the lockboxes. While a family with grown children, who have all had firearm safety training may not require as many safety precautions.

Owning a firearm comes with the responsibility of keeping others who may encounter that firearm safe. The best way to keep others safe is by placing a firearm in a locked box with a locking mechanism. By having both the locking mechanism, the lockbox and keeping ammunition in a separate location a firearm owner is ensuring, as much as possible, the safety of others.

A firearm by itself cannot injure another person. So, it is vital that a firearm owner take the necessary steps to protect anyone who lives in their home or who may visit.

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