firearm safety


Unload Firearm When not in Use

It does not matter whether you are at a shooting range or in your home if you are not using your firearm it should be unloaded. Unloading a firearm when it is not in use should be “common sense”. The last thing anyone wants to do accidentally discharge a firearm and hurt someone. Even if […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Firearm Safety Course FAQ

  Deciding to own a firearm is a big step in responsibility. In order to own a firearm a person must obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate. Many people do not understand that there is a difference between a Firearm Safety Course and Firearm Safety Certificate. Keep reading to understand the difference and find out who […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

Responsibilities of Being a Firearm Owner

Being responsible means taking ownership of something, like a firearm or being in charge of someone, like a parent for a child. When a person takes responsibility of something, like a firearm, that person is promising to take care of that item. The responsibilities of being a firearm owner are much larger than some people […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog

What does “point in a safe direction” Mean?

Have you ever seen a movie where a person is holding a firearm and turns to talk to a group of people and they all ducked down low? The person has no intention of shooting anyone but they are still ducking, why? Unless a firearm has no ammunition and has a safety lock on it […]

By Wendy Lynch | Blog